Reimagining And Guiding Futures
One of the most important ways Profiles helps across our local communities is by sharing our job market and employment expertise.
One of the most important ways Profiles helps across our local communities is by sharing our job market and employment expertise.
Capital Region Workforce Center and Community Employment Center (CEC) offers community voicemail, email accounts and other job related resources for people who are homeless or without a phone or computer.
Byte Back Improves economic opportunity for low-income residents of the Washington, DC area by providing computer training and employment readiness skills..
Sharped Dressed Man provides professional garments to help underprivileged men dress for success in their job searches.
“I deeply value the work we do, not only for our clients and talent on a daily basis, but the work we do in the community, as well. Profiles leadership also offers employees a voice to share other ways we can give back to communities outside of our expertise. I am proud of the philanthropic work we have been able to be a part of over the years.”
Christy DeAngelo — Digital Marketing Manager, Profiles
In addition to the time we give sharing career development and job search advice, our staff members volunteer regularly at several organizations nationwide. They include:
Interested in learning how we might be able to help your organization with career coaching? We’d love to hear from you.