woman on computer for virtual team bonding coffee date

Remote Staff Engagement via Virtual Team Building

Time to Read: 5 minutes

Virtual Team Building Summary:
– Before COVID-19, remote work is touted as a preferred method of work with employees citing better productivity, loyalty, and more likely to refer potential employees. However, with staff not in office, how do business leaders keep the workforce engaged on a human level?
– Leadership and company culture is the foundation for building a strong remote staff and must be established and lived by.
– Virtual Happy Hours are the most widely practiced form of virtual team building, however, we touch a couple more ideas that will break up the workweek.

person at computer with tablet second wave of coronavirus

How Companies Can Strategically Plan for a Possible Second Wave of Coronavirus

Time to read: 6 minutes

Business Planning for Alleged Second Wave of Coronavirus Summary:
– As the US Government starts to entertain the idea of re-opening, public health officials warn and hypothesize the second wave of coronavirus is in store.
– What can we compare and learn from the Flu Outbreak of 1918?
– Should public health predictions be true, now is the time for businesses to re-evaluate initial approaches in response to COVID-19 to be better positioned in the event of a second wave.

woman at computer going over hiring regulations

What Hiring Regulations During COVID-19 Look Like

Time to read: 6 minutes

Hiring Regulations During COVID-19 Summary:
– Clarification on hiring regulations through the EEOC.
– Understand what employers can and cannot do when hiring during a pandemic as explained in the Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and Americans with Disabilities Act.
– What steps employers can take to keep their workforces safe and healthy – remote and on-site.

group of marketers as part of an embedded team

Creative and Marketing Hiring During COVID-19

Time to read: 5 minutes

Impact on Creative and Marketing Hiring During COVID-19
– Is now the time to job search, especially in the creative and marketing niche, despite news of massive layoffs and furloughs?
– In regards to marketing and creative technology jobs, the marketing discipline continues to see a steady flow of opportunity for job seekers.
– Consumer behavior has changed in the wake of COVID-19, which continues to keep CIO and CMO ears perked and focused on digital spending.

COVID-19 impact to the creative and marketing workforce

COVID-19 Impact to the Creative and Marketing Workforce

Time to Read: 2 minutes

– Staffing Industry Analyst released an assessment on April 6, 2020 on how COVID-19 will impact the workforce.
– The short term and peak of the coronavirus pandemic is estimated to be two to six months in which businesses and the workforce will be impacted.
– While specific industries will see demand through this pandemic it does not equate to increased investment as consumers are seeking cost savings and businesses need to reduce costs.
– How will industries fare in the recovery period? Can 2021 be business as normal?

COVID-19 creative and marketing job market report

COVID-19: Creative and Marketing Job Market Report

Time to read: 8 minutes 

COVID-19 Creative and Marketing Job Market Report Summary
– Are companies and HR personnel still moving forward with hiring plans? 
– Are job seekers still searching for jobs? 
– How will budget cuts and layoffs affect the market? 
– How secure do employees feel in their current positions? 
– What is expected in a universally remote work environment?